

On, in, and around water sums up a great big chunk of Mark Castlow's life. He's a Florida native whose inherent affinity for the water was only intensified by where he grew up…Miami and the Keys.
Mark’s work and innovations in the fiberglass industry put him in demand to make, repair, create or improvise all sorts of solutions to all sorts of problems. And then the boat business…after years at Maverick Boat Company, Mark has had his finger on the pulse of what it takes to successfully manufacture and market shallow water craft.
He became so knowledgeable about what people wanted (and, perhaps even more important, what they didn’t want) that Mark’s next step was to start a business producing two-day, shallow water fishing expositions throughout the southeastern United States. How much more information could one person have about the people, the sport, the market, the craft, the demand and the challenges of shallow water boating?
Now, at Dragonfly Boatworks, Mark’s focus is keen:
Creating perfect shallow water craft by Building One of a Kind, One at a Time.

Although Peter Hinck grew up in South Florida, it wasn’t until he moved to North Georgia that his passion for paddle sports was ignited. There he sought relief from Atlanta’s crowds by taking to the Georgian streams and waterfalls via kayak. He loved the peace and fishing he found. So much so he started to write about it. Soon newspapers carried his stories, then magazines, then television.
Moving back to Florida, Peter helped pioneer what kayak fishing is today. Just as inshore kayak fishing was taking off, Peter made his way offshore to discover how productive kayak fishing the deep could be. His skills catching fish both inshore and offshore from a kayak (plus the internet videos of him doing so) brought the excitement of close encounters back to the sport.
During one offshore trip he came across a fisherman catching king fish from a Dragonfly Paddleboard. Peter watched and was impressed by how fast and how well the paddle boarder caught fish and how immediate the sport became. Somehow, man-to-fish…basic and satisfying. Curious, he had to try paddle board fishing himself. The rest is history and now it’s his preferred way to catch fish!
Peter is a Contributing Editor with Florida Sportsman and regularly shares his knowledge of paddle board and kayak fishing in its pages. Catch one of his many seminars throughout Florida…you’ll be glad you did. He’s a friendly guy, knowledgeable and experienced.
We’re so proud it was a Dragonfly Paddleboard that snagged him!

Charlie's the youngest of our crew but don't let that get in the way of your image of a man who lives the outdoors to the fullest. From stalking flats for bonefish in the Florida Keys to hunting redfish in the Alabama marshes, Charlie's at home on anything that floats. Ask him about his custom-designed Grand Slam. He's a video nut and has a penchant for photography too so his skills are well used during his "Dragonfly time". When it came time to design paddle boards, Charlie grabbed the opportunity to get out on the water and float sending us reams of notes and tips and photo stills.

Singer, entertainer, waterman, borm from the water and living a waterman, Jimmy Buffett has been with us from the beginning. giving input on designs and testing.